Ukraine intelligence leaks names of 620 alleged Russian FSB agents

2 years ago 191

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Intelligence leaked personal data belonging to 620 alleged Russian FSB agents.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Intelligence has leaked the alleged personal data of 620 Russian FSB officers.

Personal details leaked by the Ukrainian body include names, phone numbers, addresses, vehicle license plates, SIM cards, date and location of birth, signatures, and passport numbers.

The list was shared on the official website of the Directorate of Intelligence, the Ukrainian Directorate states that “employees of the FSB of Russia involved in the criminal activities of the aggressor-state in Europe.” According to the announcement, all the officers included in the list are registered as residents in Moscow, st. Bolshaya Lubyanka, which is the headquarters of the FSB.

The announcement of the leak also states that “Every European should know their names!”

🦉 ГУР МО України здобуло список співробітників ФСБ росії, які беруть участь у злочинній діяльності країни-агресора на території Європи.

🔥 Список із 620 співробітників ФСБ (П.І.Б., місце роботи, адреса реєстрації, паспортні дані):

— Defence intelligence of Ukraine (@DI_Ukraine) March 28, 2022

At this time it is impossible to determine the authenticity of the data published by the Ukrainian government.

Andrew Barratt, vice president at cybersecurity advisory services, Coalfire told Infosecurity that the leak could provide Putin with false flag cover to target unfaithful Russian intelligent agents.

“There is a potential now for escalation against the Russian FSB agents whose data has been leaked, also demonstrating the asymmetry that can be established by aggressively targeted cyber-attacks.” said Barratt.

“Barratt warned that the apparent leakage of FSB officers’ personal data could provide Russia with “false flag cover” and give the Putin administration an excuse for domestic action taken against FSB members who may have been sympathetic to the Ukrainian cause.” reported Infosecurity.

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Ukraine)

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