Unleashing Chaos: The Tale of the 0-Click Account Takeover

1 month ago 20

Hassaan Mohamed

Hi There! I’m Hassaan Muhammed, a PT @BugSwagger LLC

fellow psycho security, to a riveting journey through the treacherous terrain of web vulnerabilities. Today’s tale is a spine-tingling saga of wits, whimsy, and a dash of audacity as we uncover the secrets of a 0-click account takeover via the innocuous “Change Email” function. So strap in, hold onto your hats, and let’s dive headfirst into the abyss of digital mischief.

NOTE: I’m not writing this for beginners to explain what is burp and how intruder works so I’ll just hit the details directly.

A little Description:

The flaw resides in the authentication mechanism of the “Change Email” feature. Upon initiating an email change request, the application requires three parameters: User ID, current email, and new email. Notably, the “_csrfToken” in the request is totally useless, let’s start our process to get the required parameters.

- User ID (5 numbers)
- Victim email
- Attacker email
But fear not, dear reader, your hero will spot a chink in the armor.

Exploitation Process:

Despite the absence of an exposed endpoint revealing User IDs or Emails, an exhaustive brute-force approach from 00000 to 99999 successfully dumps all Users IDs with the Email associated with every ID.

Getting The Users Data:

Upon initiating the “Change Email” function, intercept the request to capture essential parameters, Utilizing tools such as Intruder, iterate through potential User IDs to pinpoint the victim’s account.

POST /users/change-email HTTP/1.1
Host: app.example.com
Cookie: */*
Origin: https://app.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Referer: https://app.example.com/users
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Priority: u=0, i
Connection: close


as you can see, all the IDs under Payload column are vaild IDs, if you click on any request you can see the associated email for this ID


Now we have all the user’s data, but how can i takeover any account?

Using the same request we used to enumerate the IDs and email’s i was able to send a confirmation number to the victim email to change his email to the attacker email, the confirmation number is 6-digits and as before there’s no limit on the confirmation request to the site so brute-force the confirmation number that validate the request was easy.

The confirmation number that website send to user when changing his email

To simplify what just happened:

1 — Intercept the request to change the email.

2 — Send it to intruder and brute-force the User-ID.

3 — Notice the users IDs and email’s leaked on Render.

4 — Use the same request to change the victim email, and the server will send a confirmation “6-Digits” to the victim email.

5 — Send the request that validate the confirmation code to intruder and brute-force the “6-Digits” number.

6 — Account Take-Over.

Until next time, keep your wits sharp, your code cleaner than a freshly scrubbed whistle, and may your adventures in psychosecurity be as thrilling as they are enlightening. Farewell, fellow adventurers, until we meet again in the ever-expanding realm of digital possibility!

This finding was while engagement with a client on my work with BugSwagger LLC.

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