Unveiling the Digital Tapestry: A Penetration Tester's Odyssey into the Heart of Cyber…

3 months ago 68

Ethical Raghav

Greetings, fellow cyber voyagers! Join me, Raghav, on a thrilling expedition into the labyrinthine corridors of redacted.com. Armed with determination and a formidable toolkit, this narrative unveils the enthralling tale of my conquest, exposing the delicate dance between user input and the website’s intricate responses.

My journey commenced with a surface scan using the indomitable Nmap, but redacted.com’s secrets remained concealed. Unyielding, I delved into the enigmatic world of api.redacted.com, meticulously scrutinizing its digital topography. Yet, the vulnerability, like a phantom, continued to elude me.

The turning point materialized with the discovery of an unassuming endpoint: `api.redacted.com/locales/resources.json?lng=`. What seemed innocuous at first revealed itself as the portal to a realm where every input painted its strokes on the digital canvas.

Digging deeper, the power of `getallurls` became my ally, revealing a seemingly benign page where user input echoed back. However, the absence of robust input validation laid bare a vulnerability – a subtle chink in the formidable armor known as Broken Access Control.

Not content with surface-level revelations, I explored the possibilities. While XSS remained elusive, the vulnerability provided fertile ground for an ingenious phishing attack. redacted.com unwittingly transformed into a playground for potential exploits as user input echoed directly onto the screen.

Armed with my discoveries, I ascended the ethical high ground. I shared my findings with the redacted.com security team, illuminating the potential risks emanating from the broken access control.

This odyssey taught me that even within the intricate web of cyberspace, vulnerabilities lie in the unlikeliest corners. As ethical hackers, our duty extends beyond discovery; it encompasses the responsible disclosure of these weaknesses, forging a safer digital landscape for all.

In the symphony of cybersecurity, here’s to peeling back the layers, one vulnerability at a time! Join me in the pursuit of a more secure digital frontier.

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