Why We Need to Eliminate Usernames and Passwords for Good

2 years ago 454

7. June 2021

This article has been indexed from Security Boulevard

Staggering 450% increase in breaches containing login credentials revealed in this year’s report

Our third annual ForgeRock Consumer Identity Breach Report has just been released, providing insights into the global threat landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a digital migration like we’ve never seen before. People spent twice as much time online and cybercriminals wasted no time in taking advantage of this new reality. 

This year we uncovered some staggering stats – for example, attacks involving usernames and passwords increased an unprecedented 450%, totaling 1.48 billion breached records. Why are we still using passwords when they provide such ineffective security and are a nightmare to use and manage? Unauthorized access continued to be the primary attack vector for cybercriminals, with ransomware and phishing following closely behind. 

Here are a few more of the major trends we uncovered:

Healthcare was once again the most targeted industry with the highest number of breaches (34% of all breaches). Technology had the highest number of records stolen for the second consecutive year (over 1.6 billion records stolen).[…]
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