Be Aware Of It, Hacker! How To Keep Yourself Off Dangerous Triggers During Hacking Story!

2 days ago 15


Hi, Hacker Again! The situation is very tight, and after a long time, I decided to have a talk with You because I’m afraid of Your next step. I immediately stopped my work on the one of best articles of My life to warn You! You might be in a big, big trap! Do not forget to read the puente at the bottom!

Hacker/Bug Bounty Hunter/CyberSec Guy/Normal People — Friendly Story

Do You know the biggest trick of the devil? Persuade people, that he doesn’t exist. That is what got My attention last time.

Okay, Let’s start, quick warning on the quick story! From the most obvious and ridiculed by the People, to those inferior…

Ugly Hackers and Scammers want you to provide Your credit card and personal data during Your action. I met four different methods of scamming beyond phone calls (Call Spoofing) which are the most dangerous, but… ahh… to be sure.. no, let’s find out!


Method №1 “Esc0rts For Free”

I think You’ve stopped watching corn, Yeah? No? Good Luck if No I will pray for Your winning and get My best wishes of luck, but if Yes and No answers remember the trick with Cornhub ads and substrate AI voice “Hot moms in your area/why don’t you f$ck neglected housewives” Even kids know this from memes, and beyond old life-losers no one was submitting their credit cards to meet up with the girl from AI generator. Yet times have changed. It’s an abyss between these methods.

This method also manifests itself in the current situation with refugees of Ukrainian nationality, among others, only the slogan changes from “Hot moms” to “Desperate Ukrainians”

Scammers are not morons and know how to turn on the news or go get a newspaper, they are on the internet, Medium *here*, YouTube, and everywhere, so watch your step Hacker!

“Hacker Trust No One”

I could pin this story to this quote, but I am a Christian, so I trust, but I watch how I trust, Save This on a Brain-Hard Disk a few times.

Method №2 “This is the Police!”

I am an active user of DarkWeb. For about 5/6 years, I have been exploring the DarkWeb and searching for a DDoS machine *for legitimate and test purposes*, so I have to go deeper as I showed you.

Here is the tip.

If You do not want to read the entire story, here is the gold:

Okay, Back. I entered a link that redirected me to the police website “We’ve tracked You, To not get arrested pay the ticket of 700$ in PaySafeCard…

It made me scared looking at a Police website, and laughed until I fell out of My chair when I saw the Paysafecard payment (No, I was not going to pay a single dollar), but I think a scared kid or some Old man will get this serious, rejecting old man, because I found it on a DarkWeb, but I’m sure these webpages exist in the surface web also…

Scammers are making a barrier before reporting to the police, that You are making something illegal, so what You wanna do? Go to the police?

It is mainly the elderly who are exposed to this, because, however, not so up-to date, and also children, not without reason it is sometimes said “naive as a child”, but I, you and most adults too, including people whose screen time is 8h a day

Method №3 “I wanna be a hustler, I have got nothing to lose”

Yeah, Telegram, WhatsApp group etc. I was personally on a few groups where Man, was telling me “I found a crypto method give me 200$ on My crypto wallet, and I will give you 1400$ in BTC”

, but let me finish, He is figuring with his face, so legitimate boosted 100 times, but okay, something stank, I did not get on this trap, F$ck You scammer, and then…

This was First, but second, little that he figurated with his face, when I DMed this guy “Hey how can I figure out is this scam”


But this is a common question so he might recorded this video and sent to many people, not strictly Me, but IDK

But I did have not any money *Nearly and I would get into this trap* so I waited for some, and after 2/3/4 months I did not look I’m sorry, this C|_|nt’s Profile was deleted and his group also.

How this scam actually works?

This scam is nearly perfect, Group on an encrypted communicator (Telegram), users can not write on this group, fake dozens of legit checks, All videos are recorded on hired *Or he made so much that he can afford to own* supercars, or limousines, Payment from the victim on BTC/ETH wallet so nearly untrackable, he is figurating with his face, because he resides in Dubai, which is like bunker for these scammers, because these Scammers in Dubai has money in the wallet, and Dubai’s government has their cases in the a$$es, so feel free to scam!

That’s why You should be aware of these Mfckrs!

Be honest, Hacker… You and I have financial problems, so this could be a great opportunity to make some sauce without stressing more about this world. These guys are fcking hyenas… For sure...

Method №4 *Most Grimmly* “Hustler-Manipluator*

This one is seriously bad, The First 2 points were badly manipulated, 3'rd good this is the best. Scrolling through videos, that will give You a dopamine high You’ve just found a course for free. FOR FREE, in this world?

“F$ck sake You must be jokin’ ”

But okay, nothing to pay so let’s benefit, Your dopamine is high, ’cause between the mud You have found a goldpiece, You enter this course, with the slogan “One thing”, or “Only one good method”, and You receive some PDF’s for free, good, even when this will require some payment I’ve been stuffed up with this PDF’s.

AND BOOM. This is exactly planned to keep You on the road, that this all will be free. Required payment at the first field causes People to quit immediately, that’s why these people function on this method to enchant You with free gifts….

Little by little, quietly, slowly, until you get it right

They on the course or PDF might be $hittalking, 3 hours of telling bull4hits *Imagine You have money blahlahlah*, but these well-prepared will talk You very good stuff, until little by little they will start talking about the payment, and they will wipe their faces with sigma-alpha quotes

“To take out You have to put in”“He who does not take risks does not drink champagne”“No risk, no Ferrari”

and after payment which will discreetly land in their stolen wallets and you will admonish them of Your money because they are living in Your country for example, they’ll cover their a$$es, that You have taken risks, they were only showing You method, You could not use it, so they are legally untouchable, and when You want to sue they, with the money that was taken from your own and others’ wallets they will hire themselves a parrot who has, for example, a deal with a judge or knows the law well, and you will still pay him back for court costs.

Take a moment to think…

These were the Main scams, That I want You, Hacker to be aware…


Some Guys for example from the Cybersec industry when I’ve registered My mail sends You or invites You to get free webinars, I understand. They are using simple and no harmless manipulation tricks to make You click, but in understandable, Anyone wants to have a big audience, right? I’m talking of a normal, legal scammer, who is trying to get The wallet out of your pocket… No, they want You to take money out of Your pocket and give it to them… My friend was on this point 4 “course”, but Thank God he only wasted time not money…

Most Important Thing! The Puente

Hacker, this is the Puente. We work together in Hacking Life, to earn, to escape, to live, we both know, that the hacking story will get back in passion and a large amount of hard dollars. We know, so stop try to get quick and free, because We can’t get it in this world and in the world of tomorrow. Keep this in Mind

My stories often rely on talking most valuable at the end but don’t dare to scroll immediately! So these are not only scams, but a trigger to keep You away from Your passion *In Our case hacking* and pulling the wool over your eyes to direct you on the “fast earning” and wasting Your time and money…

My fav quote from the song according to this story:

“We are turned on by fast cash and fast sex”

Be aware of this satan’s desires! Stay Focused on Your passion!

Okay, Got this. Now, Hacker watch Your next step and feel free to comment what kind of scam from this group I forgot, or if You get scammed like this.


I know my Promise, but now I am sick, I am talking through My nose, so the 1'st video on YouTube will be uploaded until the Three Kings Holiday past tomorrow, and my Biggest medium bomb will land on the same day. Feel free to follow, clap, and comment, It really supports me, Take Care, My Hacker!

May God Bless You!❤️🙏

I hope you will stand on the New Year's provisions! Take Care!

Now You can Go, haha. Take Care, Hacker!


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