China-Linked 'CactusPete' Hackers Successful Despite Lack of Sophistication

4 years ago 164

A Chinese threat actor tracked by Kaspersky as CactusPete was observed leveraging an updated backdoor in recent attacks targeting military and financial organizations in Eastern Europe.

Also referred to as Karma Panda or Tonto Team and active since at least 2013, the threat actor has been mainly focused on military, diplomatic, and infrastructure targets in Asia and Eastern Europe. The adversary lacks sophistication, but has been relatively successful in attacks despite that, the security researchers say.

Attacks observed at the end of February 2020 employed a new variant of the group’s Bisonal backdoor to hit organizations in the military and financial sectors in Eastern Europe. Analysis of the malware revealed the APT released more than 20 samples per month; over 300 identical samples were used between March 2019 and April 2020.

“The target location forced the group to use a hardcoded Cyrillic codepage during string manipulations. This is important, for example, during remote shell functionality, to correctly handle the Cyrillic output from executed commands,” Kaspersky explains.

While the delivery method for the new attacks is yet unknown, the threat actor was previously observed leveraging spear-phishing for intrusion. The emails carried attachments attempting to exploit recently patched vulnerabilities, but leveraged other methods as well to ensure successful compromises.

Upon initial communication with the attackers’ server, the malware sends information on the victim network, including hostname, IP and MAC address; OS version; infected host time; proxy usage flags, information on whether it was executed in a VMware environment; and system default CodePage Identifier.

On the compromised system, the backdoor can execute a remote shell, silently run programs, retrieve the process list, terminate processes, upload/download/erase files, list available drives, and retrieve a list of files in a specified folder.

In addition to reconnaissance and gaining deeper access to a compromised network, the hackers use custom Mimikatz iterations and keyloggers to steal credentials, and attempt to escalate privileges.

“Since the malware contains mostly information gathering functionality, most likely they hack into organizations to gain access to the victims’ sensitive data. If we recall that CactusPete targets military, diplomatic and infrastructure organizations, the information could be very sensitive indeed,” Kaspersky notes.

Other malware employed by the adversary includes the DoubleT backdoor, along with CALMTHORNE, Curious Korlia, and DOUBLEPIPE.

Despite being a medium-level group in terms of technical capabilities, CactusPete was observed using more complex code, such as ShadowPad, which suggests outside support. ShadowPad was leveraged in attacks targeting defense, energy, government, mining, and telecom entities in Asia and Eastern Europe.

The group was historically observed targeting organizations in South Korea, Japan, the US and Taiwan, but it has expanded the target list to additional Asian and Eastern European regions over the past couple of years.

“We call CatusPete an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group, but the Bisonal code we analyzed is not that advanced. Yet, interestingly, the CactusPete APT group has had success without advanced techniques, using plain code without complicated obfuscation and spear-phishing messages with ‘magic’ attachments as the preferred method of distribution,” Kaspersky concludes.

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Ionut Arghire is an international correspondent for SecurityWeek.

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