DNSMonster - Passive DNS Capture/Monitoring Framework

2 years ago 247

Passive DNS collection and monitoring built with Golang, Clickhouse and Grafana: dnsmonster implements a packet sniffer for DNS traffic. It can accept traffic from a pcap file, a live interface or a dnstap socket, and can be used to index and store thousands of DNS queries per second (it has shown to be capable of indexing 200k+ DNS queries per second on a commodity computer). It aims to be scalable, simple and easy to use, and help security teams to understand the details about an enterprise's DNS traffic. dnsmonster does not look to follow DNS conversations, rather it aims to index DNS packets as soon as they come in. It also does not aim to breach the privacy of the end-users, with the ability to mask source IP from 1 to 32 bits, making the data potentially untraceable. Blogpost

IMPORTANT NOTE: The code before version 1.x is considered beta quality and is subject to breaking changes. Please check the release notes for each tag to see the list of breaking scenarios between each release, and how to mitigate potential data loss.

Main features

Can use Linux's afpacket and zero-copy packet capture. Supports BPF Can fuzz source IP to enhance privacy Can have a pre-processing sampling ratio Can have a list of "skip" fqdns to avoid writing some domains/suffix/prefix to storage, thus improving DB performance Can have a list of "allow" domains to only log hits of certain domains in Clickhouse/Stdout/File Modular output with different logic per output stream. Currently stdout/file/clickhouse Hot-reload of skip and allow domain files Automatic data retention policy using ClickHouse's TTL attribute Built-in dashboard using Grafana Can be shipped as a single, statically-linked binary Ability to be configured using Env variables, command line options or configuration file Ability to sample output metrics using ClickHouse's SAMPLE capability High compression ratio thanks to ClickHouse's built-in LZ4 storage Supports DNS Over TCP, Fragmented DNS (udp/tcp) and IPv6 Supports dnstrap over Unix socket or TCP

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DNSMonster - Passive DNS Capture/Monitoring Framework  DNSMonster - Passive DNS Capture/Monitoring Framework Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5

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