DuplicateDump is a fork of MirrorDump with following modifications:
DInovke implementation LSA plugin DLL written in C++ which could be clean up after dumping LSASS. MirrorDump compile LSA plugin as .NET assembly which would not be unloaded by LSASS process. That's why MirrorDump failed to delete the plugin. PID of dump process (i.e., DuplicateDump) is shared to LSA plugin through named pipe Passing value "0" instead of LSASS PID to MiniDumpWriteDump. This prevent MiniDumpWriteDump from opening its own handle to LSASSDuplicateDump add custom LSA plugin that duplicate LSASS process handle from the LSASS process to DuplicateDump. So DuplicateDump has a ready to use process handle to LSASS without invoking OpenProcess.
By loading DuplicateDump in memory, it was able to dump LSASS memory without detection on
Symantec 14.3 Kaspersky Enterprise Windows DefenderDetected by Cortex XDR, Crowdstrike. Failed to dump lsass without detection on SentinalOne.
Compile LSA plugin (export either SpLsaModeInitialize or dllMain function) and provide the full path of DLL to DuplicateDump
-f, --filename=VALUE The path to write the dump file to
-p, --plugin=VALUE Full file path to LSA plugin
-c, --compress GZip and delete the dump file on disk
-d, --DebugPriv Obtain SeDebugPrivilege
-h, --help Display this help
DuplicateDump use DInvoke to call API AddSecurityPackage to load a LSA plugin. You could use RPC call without having to invoke that API call directly. Check details in XPN's blog post
Recently, splinter_code discovered that SecLogon could be leveraged to dump LSASS. Strongly recommend you to study his blog post.