HawkScan - Security Tool For Reconnaissance And Information Gathering On A Website

4 years ago 218

Security Tool for Reconnaissance and Information Gathering on a website. (python 2.x & 3.x)
This script use "WafW00f" to detect the WAF in the first step (https://github.com/EnableSecurity/wafw00f)
This script use "Sublist3r" to scan subdomains (https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r)
This script use "waybacktool" to check in waybackmachine (https://github.com/Rhynorater/waybacktool)


URL fuzzing and dir/file detection Test backup/old file on all the files found (index.php.bak, index.php~ ...) Check header information Check DNS information Check whois information User-agent random or personal Extract files Keep a trace of the scan Check @mail in the website and check if @mails leaked CMS detection + version and vulns Subdomain Checker Backup system (if the script stopped, it take again in same place) WAF detection Add personal prefix Auto update script Auto or personal output of scan (scan.txt) Check Github Recursif dir/file Scan with an authenfication cookie Option --profil to pass profil page during the scan HTML report Work it with py2 and py3 Add option rate-limit if app is unstable (--timesleep) Check in waybackmachine Response error to WAF Check if DataBase firebaseio existe and accessible Automatic threads depending response to website (and reconfig if WAF detected too many times). Max: 30 Search S3 buckets in source code page Testing bypass of waf if detected

P1 is the most important

Dockerfile [P1] JS parsing and analysis [P1] Analyse html code webpage [P1] On-the-fly writing report [P1] Check HTTP headers/ssl security [P2] Fuzzing amazonaws S3 Buckets [P2] Anonymous routing through some proxy (http/s proxy list) [P2] Check pastebin [P2] Access token [P2] Check source code and verify leak or sentsitive data in the Github [P2] Check phpmyadmin version [P3] Scan API endpoints/informations leaks [ASAP]


pip(3) install -r requirements.txt If problem with pip3: sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt usage: hawkscan.py [-h] [-u URL] [-w WORDLIST] [-s SUBDOMAINS] [-t THREAD] [-a USER_AGENT] [--redirect] [-r] [-p PREFIX] [-o OUTPUT] [--cookie COOKIE_] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--timesleep TS] [--auto] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u URL URL to scan [required] -w WORDLIST Wordlist used for URL Fuzzing. Default: dico.txt -s SUBDOMAINS subdomain tester -t THREAD Number of threads to use for URL Fuzzing. Default: 20 -a USER_AGENT choice user-agent --redirect For scan with redirect response like 301,302 -p PREFIX add prefix in wordlist to scan -o OUTPUT output to site_scan.txt (default in website directory) -b Add a backup file scan like 'exemple.com/ex.php.bak...' but longer -r recursive dir/files --cookie COOKIE Scan with an authentification cookie --exclude EXCLUDE To define a page type to exclude during scan --timesleep TS To define a timesleep/rate-limit if app is unstable during scan --auto Automatic threads depending response to website. Max: 20 --update For automatic update


//Basic python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com -w dico_extra.txt //With redirect python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com -w dico_extra.txt -t 5 --redirect //With backup files scan python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com -w dico_extra.txt -t 5 -b //With an exclude page python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com -w dico_extra.txt -t 5 --exclude https://www.exemple.com/profile.php?id=1 //With an exclude response code python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com -w dico_extra.txt -t 5 --exclude 403

Layno (https://github.com/Clayno/)
Sanguinarius (https://twitter.com/sanguinarius_Bt)
Cyber_Ph4ntoM (https://twitter.com/__PH4NTOM__)

HawkScan - Security Tool For Reconnaissance And Information Gathering On A Website HawkScan - Security Tool For Reconnaissance And Information Gathering On A Website Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

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