How I Found 5 Reflected XSS in a Public Program

15 hours ago 6

i used a BBot framework to get alot of information about the target and i found just 11 subdomain !!

bbot -d -o subbdomain.txt
cause I'm testing on a small scope program

at the begin I'm so frustrated but its okay lets continue

second thing i passed the subdomain.txt file to httpx tool to filter the alive subs

cat subdomains.txt | httpx -silent -o livesubs.txt

in the crawling way i prefer to use a katana tool for gathering additional endpoints

katana -l livesubs.txt -o endpoints.txt

i also used a wayback to extract alot of urls from the list of livesubs.txt

cat livesubs.txt | waybackurls | tee -a urls.txt
# i prefer to use tee command to see the output of the urls on the screen

After completing the recon phase, i prefer to go to the main domain to explore it will and know every function and every button and etc ..

After this i go back again to the endpoints.txt file to try to test for XSS, i saw a parameter called “page?=” in the main domain

i tried to inject it with my custom payload and it WORKED!!">"'><svg onload=alert('XSS')>
actually that is my reaction when i saw the alert tab haha

So now how i Found 5 XSS ??

After this i go back to the subdomain.txt list to check the subdomains and I noticed SOMETHING !

the name of the subdomain it belongs to the region of the country lets explain this : => it belongs to the country spain => it belongs to the country Italy
# so now it have the same everything like the main domain even the functionlaity

A thought crossed my mind, I said, ‘ try it.’

i go back to the endpoints.txt list and grep only the param “page?=”

cat endpoints.txt | grep "page?="

AND BOOM!!! i saw that this param in 5 subs of the list which means that it also affected in this subdomains , i tried to inject my custom payload and it worked

i reported it and it accepted but still not patched

i hope you got a new idea in this article and see you soon in another one ❤


2- if you are interested in solving CTF and portswigger labs go check my youtube channel 🔥

(3547) CyberWithZuz | بالعربي — YouTube

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