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With iOS 15, Apple is introducing more granular control over the people and places that show up in your Photos Memories, letting you fine tune just who makes random appearances in the Photos app and the Photos widget.
In iOS 14, the option on the right was available, but in iOS 15, the person-specific option is new
You’ve already been able to select “Suggest Fewer Memories Like This” when viewing a memory in the “For You” section of Photos or remove a photo from photo suggestions entirely, but now you can choose to feature a specific person less often.
When viewing the For You section of the Photos app, you can long press on an image with a person and select the “Feature This Person Less,” option to prevent that person from popping up as often. The Remove From Featured Photos option prevents a specific photo from reappearing.
These new controls for better managing what shows up as a featured image will come in handy when an unpleasant memory pops up, perhaps one featuring an ex-partner or a place that has a negative association.
Over the years, people have complained about the Memories feature in the Photos app and some of the people that it opts to feature.
I’m not a very petty person but is it possible for your iPhone to *not* feature photos of your exes or do I have to go through my photos and delete them manually like a caveman
— Elijah Wood (@KnockOnWood91) October 1, 2020
The prior “Suggest Fewer Memories Like This” option that was available in iOS 14 for memory slideshows has been renamed “Feature Less,” and you can select specific people, dates, and places to
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