Monitor the Internet's background noise
Melody is a transparent internet sensor built for threat intelligence and supported by a detection rule framework which allows you to tag packets of interest for further analysis and threat monitoring.
Here are some key features of Melody :
Transparent capture Write detection rules and tag specific packets to analyze them at scale Mock vulnerable websites using the builtin HTTP/S server Supports the main internet protocols over IPv4 and IPv6 Handles log rotation for you : Melody is designed to run forever on the smallest VPS Minimal configuration required Standalone mode : configure Melody using only the CLI Easily scalable : Statically compiled binary Up-to-date Docker imageSince I have to focus on other projects right now, I can't put much time in Melody's development.
There is a lot of rom for improvement though, so here are some features that I'd like to implement someday :
Dedicated helper program to create, test and manage rules -> Check Meloctl in cmd/meloctl Centralized rules management Per port mock applicationInternet facing sensor
Extract trends and patterns from Internet's noise Index malicious activity, exploitation attempts and targeted scanners Monitor emerging threats exploitation Keep an eye on specific threatsStream analysis
Build a background noise profile to make targeted attacks stand out Replay captures to tag malicious packets in a suspicious streamTL;DR
Get the latest release at
make cap # Set network capabilities to start Melody without elevated privileges
make certs # Make self signed certs for the HTTPS fileserver
make enable_all_rules # Enable the default rules
make service # Create a systemd service to restart the program automatically and launch it at startup
sudo systemctl stop melody # Stop the service while we're configuring it
Update the filter.bpf file to filter out unwanted packets.
sudo systemctl status melody # Check that Melody is running
The logs should start to pile up in /opt/melody/logs/melody.ndjson.
From source
cd /opt/melody
make build
Then continue with the steps from the release TL;DR.
make enable_all_rules # Enable the default rules
mkdir -p /opt/melody/logs
cd /opt/melody/
docker pull bonjourmalware/melody:latest
MELODY_CLI="" # Put your CLI options here. Example : export MELODY_CLI="-s -i 'lo' -F 'dst port 5555' -o 'server.http.port: 5555'"
docker run \
--net=host \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/filter.bpf",target=/app/filter.bpf,readonly \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/config.yml",target=/app/config.yml,readonly \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/var",target=/app/var,readonly \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/rules",target=/app/rules,readonly \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/logs",target=/app/logs/ \
The logs should start to pile up in /opt/melody/logs/melody.ndjson.
layer: http
id: 3e1d86d8-fba6-4e15-8c74-941c3375fd3e
version: 1.0
author: BonjourMalware
status: stable
created: 2020/11/07
modified: 2020/20/07
description: "Checking or trying to exploit CVE-2020-14882"
- ""
- "/console/css/"
- "/console/images"
- "console.portal"
- "consolejndi.portal?test_handle="
cve: "cve-2020-14882"
vendor: "oracle"
product: "weblogic"
impact: "rce"
Netcat TCP packet over IPv4 :
"tcp": {
"window": 512,
"seq": 1906765553,
"ack": 2514263732,
"data_offset": 8,
"flags": "PA",
"urgent": 0,
"payload": {
"content": "I made a discovery today. I found a computer.\n",
"base64": "SSBtYWRlIGEgZGlzY292ZXJ5IHRvZGF5LiAgSSBmb3VuZCBhIGNvbXB1dGVyLgo=",
"truncated": false
"ip": {
"version": 4,
"ihl": 5,
"tos": 0,
"length": 99,
"id": 39114,
"fragbits": "DF",
"frag_offset": 0,
"ttl": 64,
"protocol": 6
"timestamp": "2020-11-16T15:50:01.277828+01:00",
"session": "bup9368o4skolf20rt8g",
"type": "tcp",
"src_ip": "",
"dst_port": 1234,
"matches": {},
"inline_matches": [],
"embedded": {}