ARTICLE ADNmap is one of the most powerful tools for network scanning, offering features like port scanning, OS detection, and firewall evasion. This cheat sheet provides essential and advanced Nmap commands to help you streamline your workflow.
For VeryLazy use nmapAutomator —
nmap <target> -T4 # Fast scan to identify open ports quickly only 1000 common ports!nmap <target> -p- # Scan all ports 1-65,535
nmap <target> -sV -p <port numbers that opend> # Detects versions of services running on open ports
nmap <target> -sU # Scans for open UDP ports
nmap --script ftp-* <target> -p21 # Uses Nmap’s scripting engine to check for known vulnerabilities, this is an example for port 21 open and run all scripts of ftp.
nmap -A -p- <target> # Combines OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute, Notice that it takes time!