Quiver - Tool To Manage All Of Your Tools For Bug Bounty Hunting And Penetration Testing

4 years ago 307

Quiver is the tool to manage all of your tools. It's an opinionated and curated collection of commands, notes and scripts for bug bounty hunting and penetration testing.


ZSH / Oh-My-ZSH shell plugin Tab auto-completion Global variables Prefills the command line, doesn't hide commands from you Built-in logbook for on-the-fly notes, saving commands Renders markdown notes to the command line Runs custom scripts Modular, easy updates Installation of all dependecies with qq-install Bounty scope generators Add your own custom aliases and functions in modules/qq-custom.zsh


ZSH oh-my-zsh Kali Linux Dependent packages

Clone the repo to your custom plugins folder.

git clone https://github.com/stevemcilwain/quiver.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/quiver cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/quiver git config core.fileMode false cd -

Edit ~/.zshrc to load the plugin.

plugins=(git quiver)

Source .zshrc

source ~/.zshrc

Setting up Kali Linux Dependencies
To install dependent packages, data and tools run the included install script. This will only install the tools needed in the plugin (previous install script was too large).


Use tab completion to view commands.


Quiver is organized into namespaces for easy tab navigation:

qq-install, qq-update, qq-debug, qq-status qq-log qq-bounty qq-project qq-loq: create, log and view a running logbook for your notes and commands qq-recon qq-recon-asns qq-recon-cidr qq-recon-domains qq-recon-github qq-recon-subs qq-enum qq-enum-network qq-enum-host qq-enum-dns qq-enum-ftp qq-enum-kerb qq-enum-ldap qq-enum-rdp qq-enum-smb qq-enum-web qq-enum-web-aws qq-enum-web-dirs qq-enum-web-vuln qq-enum-web-xss qq-pivot qq-encoding qq-notes qq-scripts qq-srv qq-vars

Quiver also sets up helpful shell aliases and functions (qq-aliases).

Specify where your markdown notes are stored by setting / exporting the __NOTES variable in your .zshrc for use with qq-notes.

Sometimes scripts are invoked from modules and those are stored in the /scripts subfolder.

Quiver - Tool To Manage All Of Your Tools For Bug Bounty Hunting And Penetration Testing Quiver - Tool To Manage All Of Your Tools For Bug Bounty Hunting And Penetration Testing Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

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