StayKit - Cobalt Strike Kit For Persistence

2 years ago 116

StayKit is an extension for Cobalt Strike persistence by leveraging the execute_assembly function with the SharpStay .NET assembly. The aggressor script handles payload creation by reading the template files for a specific execution type.

IMPORTANT: To use the script a user will only need to load the StayKit.cna aggressor script. Additionally, the SharpStay assembly will need to be compiled and placed into the directory where StayKit.cna is located. Finally, if selecting a template for the payload some may require dynamic compiling which will uses Mono.

The persistence menu will be added to the beacon. Due to the nature of how each technique is different there is only a GUI menu and no beacon commands.

Available options:

ElevatedRegistryKey UserRegistryKey UserInitMprLogonScriptKey ElevatedUserInitKey ScheduledTask ListScheduledTasks ScheduledTaskAction SchTaskCOMHijack CreateService ListRunningServices WMIEventSub GetScheduledTaskCOMHandler JunctionFolder StartupDirectory NewLNK BackdoorLNK ListTaskNames


Mono (MCS) for compiling .NET assemblies (Used with dynamic payload creation)


WMI Event Subscription - WQL Query from Empire Project and Matt Graeber's research Scheduled Task COM Handler Hijack - idea from enigma0x3's research Junction Folder - code and idea comes from matterpreter's OffensiveCSharp project Backdoor LNK - comes from harmj0y's LNKBackdoor script

StayKit - Cobalt Strike Kit For Persistence StayKit - Cobalt Strike Kit For Persistence Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

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