Urlgrab - A Golang Utility To Spider Through A Website Searching For Additional Links

3 years ago 119

A golang utility to spider through a website searching for additional links with support for JavaScript rendering.


go get -u github.com/iamstoxe/urlgrab


Customizable Parallelism Ability to Render JavaScript (including Single Page Applications such as Angular and React)


Usage of urlgrab: -cache-dir string Specify a directory to utilize caching. Works between sessions as well. -debug Extremely verbose debugging output. Useful mainly for development. -delay int Milliseconds to randomly apply as a delay between requests. (default 2000) -depth int The maximum limit on the recursion depth of visited URLs. (default 2) -headless If true the browser will be displayed while crawling. Note: Requires render-js flag Note: Usage to show browser: --headless=false (default true) -ignore-query Strip the query portion of the URL before determining if we've visited it yet. -ignore-ssl Scrape pages with invalid SSL certificates -js-timeout int The amount of seconds before a request to render javascript should timeout. (default 10) -json string The filename where we should store the output JSON file. -max-body int The limit of the retrieved response body in kilobytes. 0 means unlimited. Supply this value in kilobytes. (i.e. 10 * 1024kb = 10MB) (default 10240) -no-head Do not send HEAD requests prior to GET for pre-validation. -output-all string The directory where we should store the output files. -proxy string The SOCKS5 proxy to utilize (format: socks5:// OR Supply multiple proxies by separating them with a comma. -random-agent Utilize a random user agent string. -render-js Determines if we utilize a headless chrome instance to render javascript. -root-domain string The root domain we should match links against. If not specified it will default to the host of --url. Example: --root-domain google.com -threads int The number of threads to utilize. (default 5) -timeout int The amount of seconds before a request should timeout. (default 10) -url string The URL where we should start crawling. -urls string A file path that contains a list of urls to supply as starting urls. Requires --root-domain flag. -user-agent string A user agent such as (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0). -verbose Verbose output

Devin Stokes

Twitter: @DevinStokes Github: @IAmStoxe

Urlgrab - A Golang Utility To Spider Through A Website Searching For Additional Links Urlgrab - A Golang Utility To Spider Through A Website Searching For Additional Links Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5

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