Why Bug Hunting Doing bug hunting and bounty had been a great mistry till the time you don't get…

4 years ago 185

Why Bug Hunting
Doing bug hunting and bounty had been a great mistry till the time you don't get into it on your own. how to start where to start , what is there for me, should I do or not and so on...

Bug Hunting and Bug Bounties go together but its not certain that what bug you found is going to be the new, there are chances its already submitted by someone and company says your entry is duplicate, so there your bug was valid but was already submitted so you can't claim bounty.

Why Bug Hunting we should try, this world is opening up a lot. Companies are giving chances to all sort of minds to break there system and let the company know what it takes to break in, so that company could fix it, in return, company pays you bounty worth the criticality of the bug.

Bug Hunting is not simple, its done on the end product which is live and went through many rounds of testing, so it takes tedious ways of breaking in, there are possibility of no big in the particular area you are looking into, it takes a lot of patience to stick to your area, may be web, may be apis, may be db server, domain or many other. Patience is the key.

if you could persist, stay focused, you would find one, but there are failures too, but don't loose hope. Starting anything is the key to get it done with persistence.

BugBounty Plateforms

All the best!!!

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